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TPOS System Readiness

FIJI PAYROLL - TPOS System Readiness

FRCS is urging all employers to ensure that they have updated the following information that will be required to upload files to the TPOS system once it goes live. Employee Name TIN# Date of Birth

New system will validate Employee TIN# + Date of Birth and if this information does not match with what FRCS has, the entire file will be rejected. Hence, employers must ensure that their employees' information is updated in TPOS. FRCS is working with all employers to validate the Employee Name, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Date of Birth of all their employees.

You can generate this Employee List (Employee Name + TIN# + Date of Birth) from Fiji Payroll and email to and work with them to get this validated.

To generate this excel report: Go to Fiji Payroll

  1. From Menu Bar, click on Employee

  2. You may select Employee Status > Active to exclude terminated employees

  3. Right Click > Select All

  4. Click Export to open Export Menu

  5. Choose columns to Export (Display Name, TIN#, Date of Birth)

  6. Click Export Selection to Excel.

Sincerely, Fiji Payroll Team


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